To assist Chinese health professionals in responding to the coronavirus outbreak, NEJM 医学前沿 “Yi Xue Qian Yan” professionally translates many of these articles into the Chinese language and makes them available at Links to the translations are also on on the topic page for each article translated.
NEJM research articles related to the coronavirus will also be made freely available at CNKI (China National Knowledge Infrastructure). NEJM Group is participating in the proposal for Open Access Publishing of Research Papers on Novel Coronavirus-Infected Pneumonia via CNKI.
NEJM Resident 360 supports physicians in training with these Covid-19 resources: will continuously update articles on the dedicated webpage “Covid-19: NEJM Journal Watch Coverage”.
As part of the relationship with NEJM 医学前沿 “Yi Xue Qian Yan”, a selection of NEJM Journal Watch Summaries are translated into the Chinese language and available at
Encourage your clinical staff to sign up for the daily news alert, Physician's First Watch, to stay current on important medical news related to Covid-19 and patient care.
NEJM Catalyst is frequently publishing a collection of articles, interviews, and other resources on the Covid-19 pandemic on a dedicated webpage Covid-19.
Sign up for the NEJM Catalyst Connect newsletter to receive weekly updates on Covid-19, as well as the most current actionable ideas and practical innovations.

Institution Remote Access for NEJM and NEJM CATALYST: Users must initially create or sign in to their free personal account while logged into your institution’s network, enabling site license access rights to sync automatically with their personal account for 180 days. Click here for resources to help your patrons activate their remote access.
Educational Resources for
Remote Teaching and Learning
We continue to add interactive content and features to that improve learning and meet the needs of today’s physicians-in-training, wherever they are and on any device. Discover the educational features below that help hone diagnostic skills in the Learning and Multimedia sections.
For educational institutions forced to shift from in-person to online courses, we encourage you to use our Covid-19 related materials and other NEJM Group content with your students. Our content is available for your educational purposes (but not commercial resale) as needed to support your students online during the Covid-19 pandemic. This includes the use of our articles and videos with your students through a computer or a course management system.
VIDEOS IN CLINICAL MEDICINE demonstrate common clinical procedures. Viewable on, these videos are peer-reviewed for accuracy and chaptered for easy reference. They provide a concise review of the procedure, including preparation, equipment, and more. Check out our video, “Putting On and Removing Personal Protective Equipment”, which emphasizes the use of proper precautions for infection control.
Weekly QUICK TAKE videos present highlights of important articles in an engaging, animated format. These brief videos offer a succinct, innovated way to understand important new research findings that have an impact on medical practice and patient care.
Twice each week, NEJM publishes images that are typically striking examples of a common clinical presentation along with accompanying text. IMAGES IN CLINICAL MEDICINE help physicians-in-training recognize common conditions and make more timely, accurate diagnoses.
The IMAGE CHALLENGE presents an acclaimed NEJM medical image and asks the viewer to make a diagnosis or answer a question. Submit answers for immediate feedback, and each Image Challenge includes links to supporting articles.
With INTERACTIVE MEDICAL CASES, users virtually manage actual peer-reviewed case-view videos, lab results, and brief commentary that explain important concepts.
The CASE CHALLENGE feature provides the case description from an upcoming Case Record of the MGH — but without the diagnosis. Users vote on the patient’s diagnosis and choose which diagnostic test(s) to order. The correct diagnosis and a full description of the case are published soon after.
CLINICAL PROBLEM-SOLVING follows top clinicians as they are presented with data in stages to simulate a clinical setting. They make recommendations and decisions based on the information provided and share their reasoning.
NEW Interactive Learning Resources Guide
In this new guide, you'll find curated, high-yield learning tools for residents and students in two formats, Interactive Medical Cases based on a real patient's experience with illness and Interactive Learning Elements that cover a specific topic. These resources are organized by level of complexity, from introductory to advanced topics.
NEJM Resident 360 Online Journal Club
Join residents and faculty from other internal medicine programs as they engage with authors about a recent NEJM research article. Past discussion hosts include University of Texas Health Sciences Center at Tyler, University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center, and University of Vermont. If you are interested in hosting an online journal club, please contact